Adding custom content-types to the Plone Client Connector ========================================================= This documentation explains how to extend the Plone Client Connector with your own or custom Plone content-types. Custom content-types can be registered with the Produce & Publish server using the Zope Component Architecture. The one single contact of the P&P server with a content-type is the existence of a ``@@asHTML`` view for the related content-type. The ``@@asHTML`` view must return a HTML snippet that will be used by the P&P within the main body of its own rendering PDF template. As an example look at the ``@@asHTML`` view for Plone news items. The ``@@asHTML`` view is configured through ZCML (within your configure.zcml file): :: and implemented as browser view ( :: from Globals import InitializeClass from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile class HTMLView(BrowserView): """ This view renders a HMTL fragment for the configured content type """ template = ViewPageTemplateFile('') def __call__(self, *args, **kw): return self.template(self.context) InitializeClass(HTMLView) The related templates renders a snippet of code for a news item object: ::

In addition your content-type implementation **must** provide the ``zopyx.smartprintng.plone.interfaces.IPPContent`` interface - either by specifying this interface as part of the class definition in your code :: class MyContentType(...): implements(IPPContent) or you add the interfaces as a marker interface through ``ZCML`` :: Only content objects providing the ``IPPContent`` interface are being considered during the aggregation phase of the Plone Client Connector. For further example code, please refer to the *zopyx/smartprintng/plone/browser* directory. The ``folder`` integration *(* shows you a more complex example and involves aggregation of other content.